Main topic of this seminar will be the First Form, called Yilu Gongfujia, the central Form of the
...Main topic of this seminar will be the First Form, called Yilu Gongfujia, the central Form of the traditional Chenstyle in the line of Chen Fake, Chen Zhaokui and Chen Yu. The son of Chen Yu, Chen Shiwu, now gradually taking over the responsibility of the traditional heritage of his ancestors, will give his first seminar in Europe.
We will start the seminar with the beginning of the form (yubeishi) and slowly progress during the following days. Chen Shiwu will bring interesting details to the form which will shape a new stability and quality into your movement. Especially the many different Jin-forces of the movements will be addressed and developed. The newly learned aspects will then benefit the inner coherence and bring a deeper connection within the body.
A small part of the time (max. 20 min per day) will be spent on teaching standing pillar and reeling silk exercises. Chen Shiwu has a delicate and subtle way to adjust the posture and resolve uneffective patterns in the neuropyhsiological system. Integrated in the practice of the form, this will improve its quality tremendously and will also benefit tuishou and applications.
We do a lot of basic work, push hands and are covering the beginning of the first form and the
...We do a lot of basic work, push hands and are covering the beginning of the first form and the sword form. It is the core of the Chen clan taiji system in the lineage of Chen Fake, Chen Zhaokui and Chen Yu. Be prepared for a lot of details while we are going trough the different methods.
The schedule is:
This is an open workshop where people from other styles can participate. Each day can be booked individually, but we are offering some nice discounts if you book more that two days. Swords are available if you can't bring your own one for the Thursday training session.